About the Designer

Hi, I’m Kathy Clark!
I love to crochet and have been crocheting for 50 years. When I was in sixth grade, I was looking through crochet patterns at a local fabric store and found a crochet vest that I was determined to make. Since neither my mom nor I knew how to crochet at the time, we sat down with the directions and learned to crochet together. I have been “hooked” ever since!
Designing Career
- Creating my own projects is always something I have enjoyed. My first crochet designs included doll clothes for my sisters’ dolls and various items for family gifts.
- My designing career started with creating my own snowflakes, which have been my favorite subjects to create. I like the symmetry and the intricacy of the snowflakes and the fact that no two are alike, so the possibilities are endless. They can be as simple or ornate as you like. I try to incorporate snowflakes into my designs whenever possible!
- I have also enjoyed working on reversible crochet designs as well as thread crochet décor and apparel.
- Recently, I’ve had a lot of fun working on overlay mosaic crochet projects (including my double mosaic technique), and interlocking crochet projects using both squares and triangles. There is definitely a feeling of accomplishment in creating a project yourself.
Creating New Designs
- My love of math is my primary drive when designing crochet patterns. I enjoy designing pieces that are symmetrical (like snowflakes) or using motifs in various shapes to experiment with the designs and patterns they create when joined together.
- When I’m creating a new design, I will sometimes go to the local yarn store to look at the various yarns. I’ll find a particular color or texture of yarn I like and buy a small amount to play around making samples using different combinations of stitches. If I like the way the sample turns out, I purchase more yarn to complete an entire project.
- Often times, I will see a pattern or shape that sparks an idea in my mind. I’ll play around with different stitches to work out a design. Sometimes the designs turn out how I had imagined, and sometimes they evolve into something completely different! The challenge of creating new designs is enjoyable as well as very relaxing.
Publishing Career
- My publishing career started by submitting my designs for magazine contests. Being successful in a few contests, I decided to submit my designs for publication. I figured it wouldn’t hurt to try and it has turned out to be very rewarding!
- I have published several books with Leisure Arts such as my White Christmas in Thread book.
- In 2009, I began publishing my own crochet patterns as Crochet by Kathy and now as Kathryn Clark Crochet.
My Family
- My husband has always been very supportive. He has often picked up one of my books at a local craft store to show them I am the designer. We have been married for over 40 years and enjoy working together on projects in our home such as a major room addition and finishing an entire basement. My husband is a talented metallurgist and has a Doctorate in Metallurgical Engineering. If you would like to see his metallography on meteorites, I hope you will stop by and visit his Art of the Gods website.
- We have one very talented son, who we are quite proud of. He graduated from college with a major in both Chinese and International Relations, and a minor in Economics. He has also received a Masters’ Degree in Business Administration.
Family of Crafters
- I come from a large family, all of us with interests in various areas of crafts.
- I am told my great-grandmother spent many hours crocheting. I still have the handkerchiefs, with crocheted edgings, she made for me when I was a baby.
- In addition to designing her own clothing and creating numerous decorations for large banquets, my grandmother was a talented woodcarver and carved many statues.
- My mom was talented in many areas such as needlework, sewing, pastel portraits, colored pencils, watercolor, papermaking and collage, especially projects using natural products and found objects.
- My dad was an accountant, which is where my love of math fits in.
- Each of my five brothers and sisters is also talented in their artistic endeavors, from jewelry design, sewing, ceramics, computer graphics, and drawing, to cooking, clay sculpture and hair styling.
I hope you enjoy visiting my website and looking through all my crochet creations!
Happy Crocheting!